Season 8 Episode 6:
Hawthorn with Tatiana Eaves

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Hawthorn with Tatiana Eaves

Episode Summary

Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) is one of my favorite plants. I love hawthorn so much that I turn to it  almost every single day of my life. So I was very excited when today’s guest, Tatiana Eaves, chose hawthorn as a topic for our conversation.

There are so many gifts of hawthorn!

Hawthorn is often revered for how it strengthens the physical heart… but this is just one of the medicinal gifts Tatiana mentions.

Hawthorn has so many benefits beyond your physical heart. 

Herbalists often turn to hawthorn for the energetic heart, too. For example, hawthorn medicine is for when you’re feeling broken hearted, experiencing a loss of heart or when you find yourself in a self-protective and walled-off survival mode during a stressful season. 

What if there was an herbal friend that could help you keep your heart open through a tough time? How would that change your experience? How would that change the experience of your loved ones?

To quote Tatiana, what if you could  “remain receptive to receiving love, to be loving, to be delicate but not fragile, to be strong and soft”... no matter what’s going on around you?

I invite you to listen in and explore whether hawthorn could be that protective and supportive herbal ally for you.

By the end of this episode, you’ll know:

► How hawthorn can be a model for being loving while expecting respect

► What flower essences are and how to work with them

► How to connect with a plant – and why you’d want to

► How to show respect when you’re harvesting plants – and why that’s important

Tatiana Eaves is a Medicine Woman – an ecologist, herbalist, wildcrafter, and spiritual guide, among many other things. She has spent her life seeking to deepen her understanding of the interconnected nature of life; learning and finding the threads of connection between various ways of knowing. She believes in sharing her knowledge and the wisdom of the forest to bring us all back into the remembrance of our personal power to enact change in our lives, our communities, and beyond. Her goals are in bringing forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on this planet by working collaboratively with others to strengthen our connection with ourselves, Mother Earth, and each other.

While I was interviewing her, I had to suppress the urge to stand up and clap many times throughout our conversation. I so loved all that Tatiana had to share, not just about hawthorn, but also about reciprocity, relationship and connections to the plants.

I’m beyond delighted to share our conversation with you today.

I love the Western point of view and I thought it was really useful, but in some aspects it felt really limiting not to be able to discuss the beauty and the feelings evoked in me by Nature, like our inherent heart connection with all of life.


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Connect With Tatiana

What You'll Learn from This Episode

  • [01:09] Introduction to Tatiana Eaves
  • [02:46] How Tatiana found her way to herbalism
  • [07:53] Why Tatiana loves hawthorn
  • [12:13] What are flower essences and how do you work with them?
  • [17:09] What hawthorn species are medicinal?
  • [18:39] Following hawthorn through the seasons
  • [19:45] Other ways to work with hawthorn
  • [21:04] Engaging with plants before harvesting
  • [22:15] Tatiana’s current herbal projects and offerings
  • [26:04] The mistake that led Tatiana to sacred reciprocity
  • [33:47] Herbal love letters
  • [34:25] Hawthorn tidbit



Tatiana Eaves Hawthorn flower essence recipe

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  • 01:16 – Introduction to Tatiana Eaves
  • 02:53 – How Tatiana found her way to herbalism
  • 08:09 – Why Tatiana loves hawthorn
  • 12:36 – What are flower essences and how do you work with them?
  • 17:45 – What hawthorn species are medicinal?
  • 19:18 – Following hawthorn through the seasons
  • 20:25 – Other ways to work with hawthorn
  • 21:50 – Engaging with plants before harvesting
  • 23:09 – Tatiana’s current herbal projects and offerings
  • 27:10 – The mistake that led Tatiana to sacred reciprocity
  • 35:02 – Herbal love letters
  • 35:41 – Hawthorn tidbit

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Rosalee is an herbalist and author of the bestselling book Alchemy of Herbs: Transform Everyday Ingredients Into Foods & Remedies That Healand co-author of the bestselling book Wild Remedies: How to Forage Healing Foods and Craft Your Own Herbal Medicine. She's a registered herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild and has taught thousands of students through her online courses. Read about how Rosalee went from having a terminal illness to being a bestselling author in her full story here.  


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