Season 5 Episode 4:
How to Use Wild Lettuce with Sajah Popham

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Episode Summary

My guest today, Sajah Popham, has so much wisdom to share about the benefits of wild lettuce for pain relief!

Wild lettuce is one of those herbs that is both underrated and overrated. There’s a lot to understand to be able to work effectively with herbs for pain relief and wild lettuce is no exception.

By the end of this episode, you’ll know:

► What kind of pain wild lettuce is particularly well-suited to help relieve

► What strength and dosage of wild lettuce is generally needed for pain relief

► Two different methods you can explore for creating a potent wild lettuce extract (or homemade tincture)

You’ll also receive instant FREE access to a recipe card for Wild Lettuce Tincture.

If you’re not already familiar with him, Sajah Popham is the author of Evolutionary Herbalism and the founder of Natura Sophia Spagyrics and the School of Evolutionary Herbalism, where he trains herbalists in a holistic system of plant medicine that encompasses clinical Western herbalism, medical astrology, Ayurveda, and spagyric alchemy.

Sajah’s focus is the development of a comprehensive approach to herbalism that balances the science and spirituality of people and plants. He believes in healing the whole person with the whole plant, that our body, psychology and soul can be healed with the chemical, energetic, and spiritual properties of plants.

I’m so happy to share Sajah’s wisdom with you today!

I like wild lettuce for pain…specifically for musculoskeletal pain in the form of tension, constriction, spasm, and as an acute for trauma or…injury.


What You'll Learn from This Episode

  • [01:09] Introduction to Sajah Popham
  • [04:18] How Sajah got onto an herbal path
  • [09:49] What are spagyrics?
  • [15:15] How Sajah combines medical astrology with his approach to herbalism
  • [22:55] Why Sajah chose wild lettuce for this discussion
  • [24:15] Healing properties and main actions of wild lettuce
  • [28:30] Working with wild lettuce for pain relief
  • [32:00] Working with a Soxhlet extractor for a highly potent extract
  • [35:29] What are common reasons why wild lettuce doesn’t work as expected?
  • [38:38] Recipe card for Wild Lettuce Tincture
  • [42:21] Sajah’s current projects
  • [44:32] Why applying the allopathic way of thinking to herbal medicine doesn’t work
  • [49:35] Where to find the Wild Lettuce Tincture recipe card

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Rosalee is an herbalist and author of the bestselling book Alchemy of Herbs: Transform Everyday Ingredients Into Foods & Remedies That Healand co-author of the bestselling book Wild Remedies: How to Forage Healing Foods and Craft Your Own Herbal Medicine. She's a registered herbalist with the American Herbalist Guild and has taught thousands of students through her online courses. Read about how Rosalee went from having a terminal illness to being a bestselling author in her full story here.  


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